Still Confused with Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation?

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Being clear about the main concepts surrounding that of digitalization is no longer straightforward. The term has been so abused by so many people with so many different intentions that it has ceased to be useful for sharing ideas with each other, and shrouded in tons of dust and without substance.

To make matters worse, the literature on digitalization and related disciplines does not help at all if we seek to clarify things. The production of knowledge around digitalization, with a fairly uneven and variable level of quality, let it be said, is simply gigantic and reflects the contribution of thousands of practitioners, consultants, technologists, and even public officials, who have contributed their own vision of the phenomenon in recent years, generally emphasizing those dimensions that most affected them.

The end result after long years of digitalization hype is a highly biased concept whose meaning depends on who uses it, when and in what context, and which currently lacks a significance shared by the community of transformational leaders. Let’s see if this article can help clarify some related but different terms once and for all.

…continue reading here.

Note: this article was originally published by the author in FrontiersInBusinessTransformation

Francisco J. Navarro-Meneses
Francisco J. Navarro-Meneses
Professor of Business Transformation and Economics

My current research focuses on the study of frontier issues in business transformation and the modeling of value creation in service industries as complex systems

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